10 Essential Tips for Keeping Your Car Safe and Secure

April 26th 2024

In an age where vehicular theft and vandalism are unfortunate realities, safeguarding your car goes beyond just locking the doors. Whether you’re parked in a bustling city or a suburban neighbourhood, taking proactive measures to protect your vehicle can significantly reduce the risk of theft, break-ins, and damage and therefore protect your car insurance no claims.

Here are ten essential tips for keeping your car safe and secure:

1. Park Strategically: Choose well-lit and populated areas to park your car whenever possible. Park near security cameras or in spots with high footfall traffic to deter potential thieves.

2. Lock Your Doors: A simple one, but always lock your car doors, even if you’re just running a quick errand, ensuring it’s locked can prevent opportunistic thefts.

3. Use Anti-Theft Devices: Invest in steering wheel locks, car alarms, or immobilisers to add an extra layer of security. Visible deterrents like these can dissuade thieves from targeting your vehicle.

4. Install a Tracking System: Consider installing a GPS tracking device in your car. If your vehicle is stolen, this technology can help authorities locate and recover it quickly.

5. Keep Valuables Out of Sight: Avoid leaving valuables like electronics, bags, or shopping items visible in your car. Stow them in the boot or take them with you to minimise the temptation for thieves.

6. Secure Your Keys: Don’t leave spare keys inside or near your vehicle, as this makes it easier for thieves to steal your car. Keep your keys in a safe place and avoid leaving them unattended in public areas.

7. Regular Maintenance: Keep your car well-maintained to minimise the risk of breakdowns or malfunctions that could leave it vulnerable. Ensure that all locks, windows, and alarms are in working order.

8. Use a Car Cover: If you have to park your car outside for an extended period, consider using a car cover. Not only does it protect your vehicle from the elements, but it also makes it less attractive to potential thieves.

9. Be Vigilant: Stay alert and aware of your surroundings, especially when parking in unfamiliar or isolated areas. Report any suspicious activity to the police immediately.

10. Educate Yourself: Stay informed about common car theft tactics and security vulnerabilities. Knowledge is key to staying one step ahead of potential threats.


By following these ten tips, you can significantly reduce the risk of your car being targeted by thieves or vandals. Remember that prevention is always better than dealing with the aftermath of a theft or break-in. Stay proactive, stay vigilant, and keep your vehicle safe and secure.

At AMT Insurance Solutions, we arrange a wide range of Automotive insurance cover. Regardless of what you use your vehicle for, AMT can arrange a wealth of automotive insurance products to cover you. This includes insurance for Commercial Fleets, Commercial Vehicles, Transportation and Logistics, Prestige Motors, Classic Cars, Business Cars and Multi-vehicle policies.

We are here to help you get cover with the policy that is best for you and your automotive and driving needs.